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网址:yanglaolh.au18.cn  2021-07-29  作者:admin    阅读:

How to choose nursing homes for the elderly
1、考虑自己经济实力 国办养老机构价格相对低廉,但存在“一床难求”的问题。而民办养老机构因软、硬件设施参差不齐,价格出现两极分化现象,因此,有需要的家庭要根据经济条件选择。
1. Considering their own economic strength, the price of state-run elderly care institutions is relatively low, but there is the problem of "one bed is difficult to find". The price of private elderly care institutions is polarized due to uneven software and hardware facilities. Therefore, families in need should choose according to economic conditions.
2、实地考察养老机构 选择养老机构时,首先要了解它的信誉度。实地考察时,要注意查看养老机构相关证书是否齐全,养老机构设施是否符合《养老机构服务规范》的规定,有无预防保健及慢性疾病的诊疗条件。此外,还要看养老机构的安全性、舒适度和清洁度,以及配套设施是否符合老年人的身心健康和享受生活的能力。
2. When choosing a pension institution, we should first understand its credibility. During the field visit, pay attention to check whether the relevant certificates of elderly care institutions are complete, whether the facilities of elderly care institutions comply with the provisions of the service specifications for elderly care institutions, and whether there are conditions for prevention, health care and diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases. In addition, it also depends on the safety, comfort and cleanliness of elderly care institutions, as well as whether supporting facilities meet the physical and mental health and ability to enjoy life of the elderly.
3、考虑养老院地理位置 最好选择离家或子女较近的养老机构,一来,老人不会因离居住地太远,无法适应新环境;二来也方便子女就近探望。此外,还要看养老机构交通是否便利,周边服务设施是否能够满足老人的需求。
3. Considering the geographical location of nursing homes, it is best to choose nursing institutions close to home or children. First, the elderly will not be too far away from their place of residence to adapt to the new environment; Second, it is also convenient for children to visit nearby. In addition, it also depends on whether the transportation of elderly care institutions is convenient and whether the surrounding service facilities can meet the needs of the elderly.
4、结合老人情况考虑养护水平 对于生铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件活能自理的老人,要重点考察养老院的娱乐设施、居住环境,还要看养老院接收的老人类型是否适合自己。半自理老人要选择日常基本照料和环境较好的养老机构。完全不能自理的老人要着重考察护理能力。
4. Considering the maintenance level in combination with the situation of the elderly, for the elderly who can take care of themselves, we should focus on the entertainment facilities and living environment of the nursing home, and also see whether the type of elderly received by the nursing home is suitable for them. The semi self-care elderly should choose pension institutions with good daily basic care and environment. The elderly who can't take care of themselves should focus on nursing ability.

